Recent Books by Ellen Herbert

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Winner of the Maryland Writer's Association 2014 Novel Award
Published by Apprentice House
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Published by Shelfstealers
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Not of Vampires or Vaginas

What a thrill to be seated in a room with readers holding copies of FALLING WOMEN AND OTHER STORIES. Most of these readers had read my stories closely; one had read the book twice. We talked about how the stories…Continue Reading →


  I’m scheduled to give a reading at Fall for the Book, a literary festival at George Mason U. on September 25 at 3:00 outside the Johnson Center. This will be my sixth reading of Falling Women and Other Stories, my short…Continue Reading →

The Writing, Reading Resolution

The Writing and Reading Resolution A favorite expression—I’m only a writer when I’m writing—reminds me not to talk about writing more than I actually write, and not to take myself or my writing too seriously. Yet I wish to write…Continue Reading →

Book Tea!

Since January 2012, I’ve received invitations to book teas, held in private homes, where the featured guest is the recently published book. One of my friends with a gorgeous house offered to give one for my book, Falling Women and…Continue Reading →

Writing from Life

More than ten years ago, Sunil Freeman, Assistant Director of the Writer’s Center, called and asked if I would like to teach “Writing from Life.” “What is it?” I wanted to know.

Meeting My Publisher!

  “How will I know you?” I ask my publisher, Sheryl Dunn, President of Shelfstealers. She’s meeting me at the airport in Leon, Mexico. I’ve worked with this woman for over a year, emailing almost daily, sharing my fiction and…Continue Reading →

Breaking the Silence

“The twinkling of an eye will take as long as I say, and will, if I wish, divide into tiny eternities, full of bullets stopped in mid-flight. Not a thing will happen unless I say so.” Wislawa Szymborska (July 2,…Continue Reading →