Recent Books by Ellen Herbert

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Winner of the Maryland Writer's Association 2014 Novel Award
Published by Apprentice House
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Published by Shelfstealers
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When You Love a Wild One

I met beautiful Neville, a feral cat, late last summer. Of course, when I met him, he had no name and I promised myself I would not name him. Eventually I told myself he needed a name so I could…Continue Reading →

May We NOT Go Back There

Not until 1974 could women in the U.S. open bank accounts without their husband’s signature. If a woman had no money of her own, she was dependent on the men in her life for everything. In Margaret Atwood’s horrifying dystopian…Continue Reading →

Ode to Washcloths

During the summer of 2001, thanks to a fiction grant I won from the state of Virginia—bless you taxpayers—I crossed the pond to Europe for the first time. That first summer I went alone to London, where I contracted a…Continue Reading →

When Love Comes Late

On the third day of 2018, Dan came into my life. Since the last week in December, we had exchanged emails through, a dubious, often crazy way to meet those of the opposite sex. We made plans to meet…Continue Reading →

Remember the Refrigerator Trucks

On election day 2022, I was driving past Timber Lane Elementary, which doubles as a polling place. In front of the school along with the candidates’ political signs was a sign objecting to government mandates imposed during the pandemic. DOWN…Continue Reading →

Lessons from My Left Foot

Bunions and hammer toes: if you do not know what they are, count your blessings. Most people with these painful conditions blame their shoes. Women blame wearing high heels or other ill-fitting shoes, but these conditions are often hereditary. My…Continue Reading →